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Papelonian Liberation Army is founded!

US jets parked at the CVN-83 next generation carrier.

Neverending bombings

Author - James Norrington

The continuous involvement of armed forces of the United States of America is becoming more and more dangerous to the regular person. An ongoing aerial campaign aimed at denying and disabling outposts and camps of the Papelonian Liberation Front while being effective now has defense experts petitioning the governing coalition. 

They cite unnecessary use of deadly force as a primary concern, and our readers keep sending us letters in which they describe an intense feeling of fear. The Ministry of Industry predicts horrifying productivity reports from the last quartal year. 

On a brighter side, the extensive search for key rebel figures by the military police of Papelonian army is beginning to pay off, as many deserters are already in custody and awaiting trial.


Military police cracks down on a suspected deserter residence.


Photo of General Gunter Merkel during the press conference.


Author - Sanchez Pedito

This morning at 7:32 AM during the public conference regarding military development of the ongoing operations General Gunter Merkel and Major General Elmar Schild along with their advisory and administrative body of officers announced the foundation of Papelonian Liberation Army.

In their statement, “The current security status of our country is at its worst since its creation. We as a nation of Papelonia must come together, unite, and establish a firm control until a competent government can be safely elected! 

That is why the 5th Motorized Brigade “Baron”, the 2nd Mechanized Brigade “Centurion” and 3rd Mechanized Brigade “Dragon” along with their respective supporting armored, artillery and aerial elements, under my command declare martial law and declare the current government as invalid. 

While the martial law is in effect you can rely on our soldiers to bring order back to our cities.

We also urge other commanders of the Papelonian Army and Papelonian Liberation Front to see reason and join our efforts so we can lay down weapons and avoid further armed conflict.” said General Gunter Merkel in his 15 minute long speech. 

While we haven’t received a formal reply from the Ministry of Defense and its next move, the Prime Minister of Papelonia declared these actions as illegal, and called General Elmar a power-hungry dictator who is taking advantage of a tragic situation in the most disgusting way. The apparent coupe has so far been without violence, but the situation might change soon. 

We are also yet to obtain a statement from the US Government or the commander of US forces in the region.