Cartel vows to destroy US Forces
Author - Maria La Plaga
Moritz Soldano came out on his social media to pledge all his assets to destroy the US Forces operating in this region. These threats came after a series of raids on warehouses belonging to his enterprise.
In his post, he also confirms that one of his dear friends Juan Perez was killed in the fighting for reasons unknown. He and his team of lawyers are now in the process of pressing chargers against the United States. The brother of Mr. Perez, Vito Perez, a long trusted colleague and associate of Mr. Soldano is yet to come with a statement.
Mr. Soldano also went on to offer 5,000$ for every American serviceman killed and 15,000$ additionally for an officer.
Author - James Norrington
During Tuesday’s morning press conference regarding ongoing military operations in our country, General Merkel with his military junta separated from the elected government.
As of today, we are seeing firefights between the government forces and the liberation army across the island. The casualty reports are staggering, mainly on the side of the Papelonian Army which did not expect a sudden eruption of hostilities on this level from the PLA.
Our sources inform us that the PLA are making steady progress and appear to be winning the fight. Their main advantage is the capture of the main airfield and with it, a complete dominance over the airspace of Papelonia. The liberation army is taking strategic positions every day without any dangerous opposition.
It appears that the US Forces in the region are turning a blind eye to these recent developments as they have yet to be seen to assist any of the warring factions. One of our sources within the liberation army confirmed that ranking military officers of the US have recently met with PLA leadership and agreed on a truce, as well as a ceasefire.
This is another instance of the United States leaving their allies in the dire state of need, just as last years event where the Kurdish forces fighting ISIS have been abandoned and left to their own.
We will be sending reporters into the field more frequently to bring you rapid updates in case of any developments.