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Papelonian Government declares state of emergency!

General Merkel during a training exercise in 2007.

General Merkel's Biography

Author - James Norrington

The name of General Gunter Merkel is by now no stranger to any of our readers. The famed general who can pin several huge accomplishments of the Papelonian Army, now the leader of the Papelonian Liberation Army, decided to release a biography book. 

In the book, he talks about his childhood, harsh upbringing, and an alcoholic father. The general goes on to describe his career life in the military and some of the horrors of the war. Although a wave of criticism has been flooded towards his persona claiming he is a populist using his recently gained media exposure to bolster the propaganda of the PLA. 

General Merkel on the other hand claims this was a long-term project that was in development for two years.


Evacuation of the parliament.


Author - Sanchez Pedito

During the last meeting of the parliament a new policy limiting the influence of foreign powers on the sovereignty of the country. 

Since last week, the elected government has been working over the clock to establish a proper response to an evident coup d'etat by General Merkel and his armed forces last week. Apart from declaring martial law, a state of emergency has also been declared giving the government more executive power and unlocking resources otherwise unavailable by the constitutional law. 

While a solution to the escalating civil war has so far not been found, the governing coalition decided to pass a law that limits the influence of foreign agencies, militaries, and countries in the sovereign territory of Papelonia.

This appears to be the response to the unexpected switch of allegiance of the US Forces in the region who seem to indirectly support the liberation army. A number of high- profile political figures already made austere comments about the United States but have not, until now, commented on such a possibility of development. 

With the policy taking immediate effect next week, the Ministry of Foreign Relations came with a statement that there will be a series of meetings with the delegates of the US where the outright withdrawal of deployed forces will be discussed.