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Serial killer is back?

One year recap & serial killer is back?


Restored settlement after a conflict.

One year recap

Almost one year has passed since the events of Old and New Tierno have gone. Fields, once soaked with the blood of the soldiers, syndicate, criminals, revolutionists and cartel, now assist New Tierno with becoming an agricultural country.

With the help from the US, UK and France New Tierno was able to recover in a record amount of time, becoming one of the economically thrived countries. 

In this article, we seek to dive deep into the details of how Mayor Sigland was able to achieve such success within such a short amount of time.


Picture of a farm house, recently being restored.


Picture of a Crime Scene that took place at the Eastern bay of New Tierno.

Serial killer is back?

Author - James Norrington

After six months of peace and calm life, a newfound threat appears at New Tierno. But is it truly a new one or a legacy of the past?

This morning silence was broken with numerous sirens, belonging to the police and ambulance vehicles, as they drove past the DailyDose office towards the Eastern bay. 

Merely seven hours past this, a press-conference has been announced by Chief Inspector M. Lee. 

Although the investigation team is not yet ready to dive into the details of this case, merely seeking to avoid any potential case interruptions, they did announce that a body belongs to Izmail Bagdaev, previously known to be an immigrant that lived in Papelonia yet mysteriously vanished mere two months after the events of New Tierno.

Last week, Izmail Bagdaev paid a visit to our office, joining us with a radio podcast and an interview that followed. (Interview will be released next week)

While I. Bagdaev did not reveal the nature of his business, he did mention that one of the reasons was his wish to visit a grave of his ex-colleague A.Ryan who was killed last year by a serial killer from New Tierno.

Police believe that the death of I.Bagdaev was connected to the case of a Mysterious killer and that citizens of New Tierno have nothing to be afraid of. 

Mysterious killer known as “L” was hunting down soldiers of both Eastern Alliance and US SF for almost six months. Speculations, such as he was targeting only the soldiers who were connected to the war crimes, were denied by US SF representative Maj. Tom Hargard, who merely stated “Rumours like these are naught but a mere attempt to disrupt our noble mission in providing aid to the victims of oppression and thus must be disregarded.”