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A final interview

A final interview in memory of i.bagdaev


I.Bagdaev, in 2020 at his farmhouse in Papelonia

Interview with I.Bagdaev

Author - James Norringtong

We dedicate today’s article in memory of I. Bagdaev due to his unexpected death at the beginning of this week. Full version of the interview you can read at page 14, here we merely highlight some of our questions and his final answers.

Please, tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Izmail Bagdaev, I am 44 years old. Born in 1977 in Slovakia and spent most of my childhood in Kazakhstan.

Did you pursue any career after school?

I initially wanted to become an electrician engineer yet that did not end well and thus I went for my second, most passionate thing: History. Had an opportunity to work as a history teacher after graduating from a university as a Bachelaur. 

How did a history teacher end up in Papelonia?

It was a peculiar chain of events. First, I moved there to help my brother Robert. He helped me to settle down and eventually I realized that this country wasn’t so bad at all. Thus I decided to stay and seek to form a Russian talking community.


Picture of a Crime Scene that took place at the Eastern bay of New Tierno.

After the formation of this community and leading it for almost six years, you vanished off the radars. What happened?

Let me put this way – I was hired by a private company and my contract disallows to share any further information on this subject. Suffice to say, nothing illegal related.

Some of our contacts suggest that you were involved, somehow, with the case of a serial killer “L”. Any comments?

I was. Although I cannot comment on this either, it is a classified information. 

What is your opinion about “L”?

He is a terrifying person. Not bad nor good but a terrifying one. He seemed to be a ‘strategist’ type of person. People like him usually don’t lose. Their strategies, plans and deeds are calculated by purely following cold-logic.

They are always one step ahead, emotionally stable and it is very rare to see one of such to commit a mistake somewhere. As you can guess, I can’t say if his goals or vision were correct or if he was right. But he definitely had effective ways of achieving his goals. Twisted but effective.

Do you believe that another L might appear?

Unfortunately, there is a high risk for such. Question is… will this new L follow the same ideals as the previous one? Because the previous L at least had some sort of a moral code.

I.Bagadev was murdered four days after this interview at Eeastern Bay of New Tierno republic.

We’d like to share our condolences with anyone who griefs about Bagdaev’s end and wholeheartedly wish that the Police will be able to capture anyone who is responsible for his death.