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War Journalism: Update 2021

James Norrington has been following famous Task Force Legion unit for almost two years yet today Nord News had to pull out a plug. These two years were full of danger, excitement, fear but above it all: Truth. Truth how both simple soldiers and operators, pilots and other serviceman are risking their lifes to maintain peace around the globe. They are not afraid to get their hands dirty nor are afraid to sacrifice their lives in order to preserve those they have never even met.

But no story lasts forever. Today Colonel Peter Pattison announced that Task Force Legion is going to participate in a number of classified operations. CEO of Nord News, Sven Koskinen, and Colonel Peter Pattison have come to an agreement that Nord News no longer will be involved in Task Force Legion's operations. It remains unclear for how long this agreement will stay in effect, however.

What does this mean to our dear readers? Nord News will continue to post articles about the special forces, based on un-published material from previous deployments. We will continue to be on a look out for a possibility to attach one or numerous journalists to another military unit but it may take some time, hence we advice our readers to gather as much patience as they can and enjoy reading materials that remained outside the public eye until now.

For those who are curious, we attached a map with the locations of operations that Task Force Legion has participated in.