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Protests rise in Tanoa

Military Conflicts of 2021

Nord News team is proud to present an on-going project "Military Conflicts of 2021" where we have gathered all available material between 2019-2021 and tried to draw a timeline in between each known US operation conducted by one of its special forces known as "Task Force Legion".

This project is still updating and more material will become available in the coming days. So far our reads are able to see for themselves of how "Task Force Legion" unit has been growing since its very first campaign.

Each campaign is supported by either a footage of news report or footage taken by one of the operators during the operation(s).

You can access this project by navigating to "Extra" option at the website's main menu.

Controlled detonation performed by "TFL" engineers during a "Burning Castle" campaign on Papelonia.


Tension grows on Tanoa Island!

It has been almost one year since first arrival of US forces on Tanoa Island. Will their departure finally put a stop to a rising wave of protests?

September, 2020. US Special Forces led by Major Tom Hargard have arrived on Tanoa Island with a single mission in their heart - to put a stop to an ongoing pirate activity in the area.

Now one year later they last American soldiers are finally leaving Tanoa soil. But will it bring more good than bad?

After first six months of active engagement between USSF and the local pirate groups, victory has ended with a favor towards the Americans and Tanoa Government.

Yet the war did not end with bullets and constant raid operations. Many civilians continued to support pirate activity by either engaging in a such one or providing various means of weapons, logistics and goods.

To control such newfound underground activity, Government of Tanoa has begun to try and regulate this via corrections to its constitution as well as implementing new laws.

With each law, civilians in a face of business owners, suffered more and more losses, regardless if they were involved in underground illegal activities or not. Some have even started to rumor that Tanoa Government does not even make decisions but merely execute them. And that decisions come from the US itself.

Despite Prime Minister A.Salieri trying to put an end to these rumors, it only had an opposite effect. Shootouts between the protesters and the police have become a frequent event in Tanoa's life.

But now that officially US forces are leaving Tanoa, people of it are filled with hope for a new course of development & action for their government to take. And while A.Salieri promises such changes, they are yet to be seen.

Pirates of Tanoa Islands once were a rather terrifying force that has spread the corruption among the government itself, today is nothing else but a history. It wasn't officially yet announced that Pirates are no longer a thing on Tanoa, however.