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Military conflicts of 2021

All thumbnail images are clickable and will lead viewers to archived footage of each campaign that is mentioned on this page. Viewer discretion is advised.

March, 2019

Classified Campaign

First officially recorded footage from a classified campaign in Finland that pre-dates creation of Task Force Legion. This is where it all began.

August, 2019

Campaign Tempora

Converted into a Special Forces unit of US Army, Task Force Legion has participated in its first campaign within Columbia region.

November, 2019

Campaign Ion

After achieving mastery in fighting against a terorrism threat, Task Force Legion has been deployed to Southern region of Aghanistan.

April, 2020

Campaign Iron Will

After a long drawn support of local opposition force known as Eastern Alliance, US sends TFL to assist them in their fight against cartel Fidel Valentia.

April, 2019

Campaign Artemis

Deployed in Norway, this unit has been sanctified in combat for the first time while operating against a local militia force.

September, 2019

Campaign Jupiter Shield

Deployed to South Africa region, Task Force Legion fought against a local terrorist group in order to increase stability in the region.

January, 2020

Campaign Urgent Reach

Following the end of Campaign Ion, Task Force Legion enters Iraq in a pursue of a local terrorist force.

June, 2020

Campaign Burning Castle

TFL is re-deployed to a neighbouring country "Papelonia" to assist its government against a growing immigrant crisis.